Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Almost there!

Getting really close now. Stall cameras are up and running, both mares are developing udders and some milk. Fingers crossed for safe foalings and healthy foals....

Nice rainy day...Let the grass grow!

Sasha - Her Belly has dropped.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Foal Names???

It's time to start thinking of names for Sasha & Wilma's foals and we'd love to hear your ideas!  If you'd like to submit your suggestions please post them in a comment below.  Please submit 2 names for each mare - one for a colt and one for a filly.  On April 15th we'll list the top 5 names in the poll on the right and choose the winning names based on the poll results.  Before you start be sure to read the naming rules below:

Most horses have an official "registered" or "show" name which will be used on their registration papers, as well as a "barn" name.  Their barn name will most likely be given once we have actually met and spent some time with the foals but we'd at least like to get some ideas for their registered names.

Registered names are usually chosen based on the name of the stallion or the year of birth depending on the breed of the horse.  Sasha is a Holsteiner and the rules for this breed are

Only 50 Days To Go!

Day 270:  First day of Spring and all is still well with Sasha & Wilma.  They are HUGE and waddling around their paddock.  We're getting the foaling stalls ready and they will be moving into their extra large stalls this week.

By now the fetuses should look like foals and be about the size of a large German Shepherd.  They have  full coats and a swatches of hair on their tails.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

DAY 220: We're just days away from the start of the last trimester and Sasha and Wilma are becoming very affectionate with each other.  They groom each other regularly now and are bickering less about sharing the hay in their paddock.  Maybe they're practicing their maternal behavior?
In just the last 30 days, the fetuses have more than quadrupled in size! They should be growing whiskers on their chins and muzzles. Their larger size is becoming visible from the outside and the mares are getting quite round.
 The added size and rapid growth of the fetuses are starting to place alot of demand on their mothers so we have to help the mares meet these demands by feeding them more.  Sasha and Wilma are VERY happy - they're now eating as much hay as they want, getting lots of alfalfa cubes for additional protein, and are fed over 10lbs of sweet feed per day!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 170: So, what does an equine fetus look like?

Some of you may be wondering what the foals (fetuses, really) look like today.  If they are developing normally, at this stage - 170 days - they should be almost the size of a Beagle.  Mane and tail hairs are starting to appear and they should look something like this:

How did they get to this stage? 

Day 9.   With the naked eye you can only see the 'embryonic vesicle ' which houses the embryo. The vesicle looks like a shimmering , firm translucent bubble less than 1/4 " in diameter. On the ultrasound screen, you will see it as a black circle in a sea of grainy grey (the mares uterus).At this point the embryo is only the size of a pinpoint.

Day 24.     The vesicle has grown to 1" in diameter. It is a shimmering flabby, translucent bubble with a dark red dot, the embryo, at one end. A network of thread like blood vessels emanates from the 1/4" dot. You can barely make out the beginnings of the animal features. A head with tiny bumps that will become eyes, a fleshy tail nub, and four little buds that will eventually become legs. On the ultrasound monitor, you will see the vesicle as an irregular, guitar pick shaped black blob within the grainy grey. Generally around day 24, an embryonic heart is large enough to be seen on the ultrasound screen. To find it, focus on the 'floor' surface of the blob. You will see a white smudge about 1/2" in diameter, resting there is the embryo. Within the smudge, a tiny black spot, about the size of a pinpoint, will be flashing on and off. This is the pea sized embryo's beating heart.

Day 40.       The vesicle is now 2. 1/2" in diameter, roughly spherical in shape and somewhat collapsed. The 3/4 inch embryo within is now recognisable as a four legged animal. It has a blobby head with eyelids, rudimentary ears, ridges where the nostrils will be, and functional elbows and stifle joints. An ultrasound would reveal the vesicle as a round black blob. Look for the white smudge of the embryo to be suspended from the vesicle's ceiling, rather than resting on the floor. This shift of position is step one in what researchers call "the rise and fall of the embryo". It results from filmy membranes at the top of the vesicle coming together to form the umbilical cord. As they do so, they shorten pulling the olive sized embryo up to the ceiling like a chandelier

Day 50 to 55.     The embryo now is slightly over an inch long nestling within the confines of the 3inch vesicle. You can see tiny ribs under the skin, the domed head is similar to a Chihuahua and has developed a distinct skull. Little triangles represent it's ears and the hock and fetlock joints have developed. At this stage the future foal officially will graduate from embryo to fetus. On the ultrasound monitor, you will find the fetus back on the vesicle's floor, due to the lengthening of the umbilical cord. Because of it's size now, this will be the last chance to view the fetus via ultrasounds. In a matter of weeks it will be too big for the ultrasound screen.

Day 60. HAMSTER   The vesicle is now flabby and shapeless conforming to the uterine walls. The fetus is now approx 2 1/2 inches long. You can see that it clearly resembles a horse thanks to the development of tiny hooves, complete with soles and frogs. It's head is still tucked but less than before. The fetus is hairless and about the size of a hamster.

Day 80. CHIPMUNK The fetal head will now be un-tucked and is held level with the spine in the 'normal' horse position. It's sex is now visible. You can see that little lumps have formed for the scrotum if it's a colt or the udder if it is a filly. The fetus is now about the size of a chipmunk.

Day 100KITTEN  The mares 7inch fetus is now about the size of a six week old kitten. You can see a bit of hair on it's lips and it's ears are uncurling from it's head, they are now nearly 1/2 inch long and curled forwards on it's head. The coronary band looks like little raised lines circling  the tops of it's tiny 1/4 inch hooves.

Day 150. RABBIT   Gaining more than a pound every 10 days, the fetus is now about the size of a rabbit. Hair graces it's chin, muzzle and eye lids. If you look closely, you can see the eyelashes have emerged.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Now we wait

My first post here is long over due, I know.  I have to admit that I've been somewhat superstitious about possibly jinxing the progression of the pregnacies by talking about them too soon. 

Now that Sasha & Wilma are well into their second trimesters, it's my hope to report to you on a regular basis going forward- as regular as that can be with a barn full of horses to take care of.  That said, I'm happy to tell you that their bellies are getting rounder and so far all is well!

I'll also be posting photos, videos, and lots of information on what to expect when your mare is expecting.  Since this is a first pregnancy for all of us - Sasha, Wilma, Granny Fox Farm, and me as a mare owner - I've been doing loads of reading and will share with you what I learn.  It's also my first blog.

I hope you enjoy the blog and that you'll subscribe and follow along.

Happy Thanksgiving!


PS:  Check out the countdown clock on the bottom of the page, as well as the mare care calendars on the left.